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Psoriasis has become a global disease and it is the most widespread autoimmune problem in the United States, affecting 2.2 percent of the population with similar numbers worldwide. An estimated 125 million people currently suffer from psoriasis, most of them Caucasians, and one in four of them develop psoriatic arthritis at some point in their lives.


Many people believe that dry skin in psoriasis is a cosmetic problem, but it is much more than merely a cosmetic problem. 60% of sufferers report that psoriasis is a serious problem in their daily lives, mainly women and youth, and more than half of the sufferers are forced to miss work or school.


What is Psoriasis?


It is an autoimmune disease characterized by chronic inflammation in which white blood cells attack the skin. The body then produces new layers of skin, and dead cells accumulate, forming thick red scaly patches that cause dryness and pain.

The main factors associated with psoriasis are stress and genes. Normally, this disease occurs between 15 and 25 years, though it can develop at any age, and is triggered by a high stress period.
















It is estimated that if one parent has it, the chances of getting it goes up to 17 percent. If both parents have it, the chances increase up to 50 percent.

Arthritic psoriasis can appear at any age, but it is most common between 30 and 50 years. This complication of psoriasis also attacks joints and sufferers experience pain in lower back and hands.


The layers of dry skin tend to accumulate in the knees and elbows. In young children, psoriasis may affect only the scalp.


Psoriasis Factors


Although considered an autoimmune disease, there are known factors and conditions which worsen psoriasis and conversely allow keeping the issue under control.


You can control it with therapies like detox fasting, massage, lymphatic drainage and dietary supplements such as chlorophyll or Oolong tea.


It is also important to increase consumption of Omega 3 and incorporating a dietary supplement, or even better if you include fish and vegetables containing it and only eat red meat of grass-fed animals which can result in a significant improvement in condition.


Intolerance to gluten causes serious disorders in the immune system, thus, directly affects autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis.
















Unfortunately, those who suffer gluten intolerance must restrict their diet for a year to get the first results and complete detoxification of gluten takes an average of 9-10 years; in many cases, the sufferer should avoid foods that are like gluten such as milk, coffee, corn, sesame, rice or potatoes.


You should expose as much skin as possible some day in the sun without sunscreen for a few minutes because this practice inhibits the production of vitamin D and is sufficient to improve your condition. You also need to consider the levels of radiation where you live and should moderate your exposure to avoid further complications.


Poor Diet Habits


The chances of developing psoriasis are higher in developed countries and urban areas and this is probably due to the accumulation of toxins by environmental pollution and poor nutrition.


Chronic Degenerative Diseases


The combination of psoriasis with diabetes and obesity is rapidly increasing. Keeping diabetes under control can significantly help with this condition.


Gluten Allergy


It is estimated that gluten intolerance is much greater than most people think.


Sun Exposure


Vitamin D is produced in skin through sunlight exposure, though we can also get it from food, the sun is the best source and you get it in abundance while vitamin D creams also help combat its effects.


Other Recommendations for Treating Psoriasis


  • The first thing to try is to improve your intake of vitamin D and avoid gluten and get your gluten intolerance tested.

  • An excellent remedy is the juice of aloe vera. Today it is easy to obtain fresh aloe vera or even plant it in your garden too. You need to apply directly its juice, and cover with cotton. You can also use a cream made with Oregon grape root.

  • During the outbreak of psoriasis, there could be benefits of taking 4000 IU of vitamin A.

  • Consume Omega 3 in form of EPA and DHA daily as it will help your immune system to reduce the effects of psoriasis and improve your overall health too.


You are suggested to visit 'curar La Psoriasis’ for more detailed information about psoriasis.


Psoriasis Skin Disease – Influencing Factors and Natural Psoriasis Remedies
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